Terms And Conditions

Thank you for deciding to join up to Peak Gymnastics as an Unlimited Peak BASE Member! This membership allows you to attend as many of our Peak BASE Classes throughout the week as you like!

At Peak Gymnastics we believe Gymnastics is a sensational health, mobility, strength and fitness training modality and we want it to be as easy as possible for you to take advantage of all the classes we offer! The more you train, the fitter, stronger and more skilled you become at gymnastics, so jump in, utilise your membership as much as possible and make Gymnastics your overall training modality!

Payment terms:

Unlimited Peak membership options are available only as a weekly direct debit in order to minimise administration costs and ensure membership fees are kept as low as possible.

Direct debit is provided through Gains Global on the terms and conditions of their direct debit request service agreement.

Please note if a direct debit is declined or has insufficient funds, a late fee may be payable by you and enforced by Gains Global.

Cancellation / Pauses:

You may pause or cancel your membership at any time by providing at least 7 days’ written notice to [email protected]. The pause or cancellation will come into effect on the date nominated in your written notice.

Any membership requests made with less than 7 days’ notice will incur a $25 administration fee.

Peak Gymnastics reserves the right to waive the administration fee in the event of extenuating circumstances, such as injury or medical condition which prevents you from utilising your membership. If you require a pause or cancellation due to an extenuating circumstance, please advise us of this at the time of providing written notice.

Public Holidays:

Peak Gymnastics reserves the right to close on public holidays. Our overall pricing is set with this in mind and you will not be refunded for closure on public holidays.

If you have any queries as to our fees or the direct debit process with Gains Global, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the aforementioned email address!

We look forward to helping you progress your gymnastic strength and ability!